Listening to the Whispers of the Heart

          "Oh I'm falling slowly love with you~~~." The season of love is here!! Do you know the the reason why we celebrate the day of love? Hmmmm..... how about we talk about it?  To begin, Valentines was a holiday celebrated by the Christians in Rome during the 3rd century A.C.E. This is because the emperor that time, Emperor Claudius II executed 2 men named Valentine. It was rumored that one of the men, St. Valentine would perform secret marriage ceremonies, as it was forbidden by the Emperor. When the then Emperor Claudius found out, he ordered for the priest to be killed, and that day was on the 14th of Febuary. After that, it was celebrated as remembrance for the 2 martyrs, named Valentine. 

       Although its original meaning and purpose didn't stay. It became so much more. Today, Valentine's day is now one of the most celebrated holiday's in a year! It is the day where everyone is free to show their love, appreciation, and care. It has carved a significant place in everyones hearts, even if they feel bitter. In fact, you don't need a partner or loved one to celebrate the joy of Valentine's. It is a reminder that even the toughest cookies can love. Love isn't about you, your feelings, and àppearance, it is about the urge to just dump everything so that your love one or you is happy. We celebrate Valentine's because it is a day of showcasing love we might not make visible everyday, it is a day to apologize for our lackings. For the things we want to do, but can't or haven't. 

       During this day, One of the ways I express my affection and appreciation is service. For my loved ones, I want to make their lives easier by showing them I care. I may not look like the sweetest person, but I'll make you feel it. I also show affection through listening. A thousand unsaid words can be light if it is shared, and not kept. Being someone who listens, is something I always try my best to be and I hope, everyone I love, and I mean every single one of them Knows that I love them. Happy Valentine's!


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