Short, but filled with meaning

 Christmas has always been the peak holiday that affects many lives. Christmas is celebrated in the month of December at the 25th day. It is a holiday focusing on spending time with family and celebrating the birth of  Jesus Christ. Although a very christian holiday, everybody gets to enjoy the small break it gives. 

Did you enjoy your  Christmas break? Although it was shorter than last year, I still had needed rest and enjoyed every single bit of not stressing about school. During the break I mostly went to simple gatherings in celebration of christmas. I ate and ate, until my stomach couldn't take it anymore. A cousin of mine from Laguna came home and we went shopping in  Vigan. We went around the city looking for gifts that we were gonna give. It was a short break but we spent it meaningfuly. We went to church at 4 am and devoted our time to praise and thank the lord of the things we have experienced and received. We also prayed for the souls we have lost along the way. The break was short but it was enough to devote ourselves with the reason we are here today, and that makes the break much more meaningful.

Christmas will always be a catholic holiday, but it gives us all the chance to  catch up with family, friends and love ones. This is a chance given to us to devote to our savior and thank him for those we received and gained. Christmas break is not only a break, but it strengthens the bond and love we have for eachother


  1. The people we love makes the Christmas vacation memorable and meaningful.


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