Letter for the President

August 22, 2024 

Demie Anne R Realiquio 

Bulala vigan City, Ilocos Sur, 

Northern Luzon Phillippines. 

Dear PBBM, 

I write this letter to you not as a student but rather a concerned citizen, and Filipino. Instead of writing a whole complaint of the things that went wrong in the Philippines during your time I'd rather write a letter of you solving the things that went and will go wrong. Mr. President, the moment you won the 2022 election everything about your reign was controversial. The Philippines har suffered bad leadership and a very corrupt government from the start of Philippine Independence, especially from the hands of your father. I write this to beg of  you to at least not follow in the footsteps of your father. I hope all your platforms during the campaign come true. As a Filipino who loves my motherland, I also want to see the day when the Philippines also grows to be a well respected country with a great economy. I wish for the economy to grow and prosper rather than your and other politicians' wallets and banks. Lowering prices would be a  start, cause it seems like NEDA is still in the 1900's with it's 21 pesos budget per meal. A second step would be helping redevelopment and giving housing to the poor and unfortunate, and lastly fair wage for all workers, so that all of us prosper. From a fellow Filipino to another.


Demie of 10-Maxwell


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